The Community
Advisory Board

If you have lived it -- join us to change it.

The COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD (CAB) of Galveston County's Continuum of Care Council (Galveston CoCare) is reaching out today for your help. We are a group of people who have experienced what it is like to struggle economically through a crisis. If you have ever needed the help of a social service agency in Galveston County, we want you to join the COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD. Why? . . . Because you understand what needs to be changed so that fewer people will suffer. Add your voice to this important new effort to bring needed change to the system that is creating extremely high levels of poverty in our communities.

Submit the information below, and you will receive a detailed description of Community Advisory Board Membership and an email application from the Community Advisory Board of Galveston CoCare.

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Our Mission

The Community Advisory Board of Galveston CoCare advocates for and represents the underserved in the Galveston County Community and it advises the Council and Board of Directors of Galveston CoCare on CoCare’s work and mission.