"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples" - Mother Teresa
On Wednesday, August 26th, Galveston CoCare received an email from one of our Council Members. The Anita Designer Foundation was willing to coordinate COVID-19 relief supplies for Galveston County, but needed the right connections in order to team up with the community on the ground.
Galveston CoCare jumped at the chance to help out.
Immediately, we began to work with the Galveston County Food Bank to receive and organize the supplies. We were unsure exactly what would be in this shipment, but were excited at the prospect of being able to help the community.
Within three weeks, we received the shipment of goods and found the volume to be overwhelming in the best of ways. Almost 40 large palettes of soap, shampoo, shaving gel, feminine hygiene products, laundry detergent, blankets and more. What an amazing blessing this would turn out to be for our community.
From there, we organized the goods and had Council Member Organizations sign up to come get these COVID-19 relief supplies from the Galveston County Food Bank. These items would go directly to families in need. The response was tremendous. One Council Member said, “We are so incredibly grateful for this! These supplies will help our families get through this hard season.”
In the end, it was really beautiful to see the community mobilize to make this happen. As Mother Teresa said, "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."